Tag: Honestly Yum

Weekend Finds 5:26:14

I know what you’re thinking. “Annie, here you are, posting weekend finds on a Monday. Again.” BUT it’s Memorial Day weekend. So, I’m going to say it’s still the weekend. So there. Here’s what I’ve been eyeing this week.

1. Food Memoirs

Foodie Memoirs from the Kitchn // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
My summer reading list just grew by three.

I’ve been really looking forward to reading Molly Wizenberg’s Delancey for a while now, because I just love her writing. Love it. But I’m now excited to add two more books to my summer reading list, thanks to the Kitchn’s little article on new foodie memoirs.

2. Carrot Pancakes with Salted Yogurt

Carrot Pancakes from Bon Appetit // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
I love the color of these carrot pancakes!

My mom came to visit me (thanks, Mom!) and she brought her most recent issue of Bon Appetit to show me some recipes. This one for carrot pancakes jumped off the page at me, and I am itching to make it.

3. What to know before buying strawberries

All about Strawberries on Food52 // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Educate yourselves about strawberries!

I like this list from Food52 linking to articles all about strawberries: different varieties, what to do when they’re over the hill, freezing them, and roasting them. I also like this post also about strawberries. Ingredient education, guys! I can’t wait for Hood season in Portland. It’s a close second to rhubarb season.

4. Crispy Skinned Salmon

Crispy Skinned Salmon on Food52 // Weekend Finds on Serious CrustCrispy Skinned Salmon on Food52 // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
I love the crunch of crispy fish skin.

These days, whenever we make fish (usually trout), I peel the skin off and fry it up afterwards. I love the crispy skin, the fishy, crunchy, slightly burnt flavor. And I never seem to be able to get that same result when I just pan fry a filet. But I’m going to try Russ Parson’s technique, and enjoy more crispy fish skin.

5. Hibiscus Rum Buck

Hibiscus Rum Buck on Honestly YUM // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
This cocktail looks so beautiful, I can’t even.

This cocktail from Honestly Yum is looking so crazy good to me right now. This might have something to do with the fact that when I was in California last weekend, I drank as much jamaica as I usually drink in maybe a year. So combining a little hibiscus syrup (a la jamaica) with some rum, lime, and ginger beer sounds delicious, as well as incredibly refreshing.

Friday Finds 9:6:13

This weeks Friday Finds feature my new place of employment, an idea I wish I’d had, OYSTERS, and prepping for fall.

1. Firehouse

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
A peek inside the wood-fired oven at Firehouse, and the pizza that cooks there!

Firehouse is my new place of employment! Jonah and I went and had dinner there last night, and the food is really spectacular. I could’ve told you that a month ago when I started, as they’ve been having me taste the menu so that I can be familiar and make recommendations. But last night I got to experience the atmosphere and food from the diner’s side, and it really was lovely. One of my favorite things about their dishes are the combinations they serve – things I’d never think of. For a while, our rotisserie chicken came with roasted bread, summer squash, cherries, and pistachios. Doesn’t that sound good? (It was.)

2. Ricotta Crostini Party

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Ricotta Crostini Party on Honestly Yum

Remember how last week I was talking about how crostini are great and easy and you can do anything with them? Here are some MORE ideas, as well as some pretty pictures. I love the idea of having a crostini party where you put out the bread spread with ricotta, and bowls of all the topping options, leaving people to create their own masterpieces.

3. Kitchen Share

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Kitchen Share

Like a library, but for kitchen appliances, Kitchen Share has just opened up a branch in my neighborhood. I love this idea! My kitchen is already so full with my mixer, food processor, and blender, but there are so many things I want to try. I simply don’t have room for all the appliances – and let’s be honest, how often would I actually use a dehydrator or bread machine? This seems like the perfect opportunity to try out some recipes that require appliances that I don’t have. And it’s free, after your one-time donation when you sign up for a membership.

4. Fall is on it’s way…

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Ready for fall: Miso + Molasses Squash and Tofu, anyone?

School has started for kiddos, and today is rainy and gray in Portland. It’s hard when the grocery store is still full of tomatoes and stone fruits, but I am itching to get my hands on some squash and start making those hearty fall recipes.

5. Oysters

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Our platter of oysters at Elliott’s!

I don’t know if I told you about my recent revelation: I like oysters. It’s strange, I was talking with an old friend a week or two ago about what makes you a “real person,” aka a grown up. I was very nervous to go to Elliott’s Oyster House for happy hour with our friends Dylan and Caitlyn while in Seattle. See, they really like oysters, and I’d never had a raw one, and only recently had one that wasn’t breaded and fried. I didn’t want to embarrass myself. But holy smokes, they were so delicate and refreshing, they tasted perfectly fishy and like the ocean. I’m glad I stuck with my “I’ll try anything once” rule this time around.