Tag: Cheese and Fruit Crostini

Friday Finds 9:6:13

This weeks Friday Finds feature my new place of employment, an idea I wish I’d had, OYSTERS, and prepping for fall.

1. Firehouse

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
A peek inside the wood-fired oven at Firehouse, and the pizza that cooks there!

Firehouse is my new place of employment! Jonah and I went and had dinner there last night, and the food is really spectacular. I could’ve told you that a month ago when I started, as they’ve been having me taste the menu so that I can be familiar and make recommendations. But last night I got to experience the atmosphere and food from the diner’s side, and it really was lovely. One of my favorite things about their dishes are the combinations they serve – things I’d never think of. For a while, our rotisserie chicken came with roasted bread, summer squash, cherries, and pistachios. Doesn’t that sound good? (It was.)

2. Ricotta Crostini Party

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Ricotta Crostini Party on Honestly Yum

Remember how last week I was talking about how crostini are great and easy and you can do anything with them? Here are some MORE ideas, as well as some pretty pictures. I love the idea of having a crostini party where you put out the bread spread with ricotta, and bowls of all the topping options, leaving people to create their own masterpieces.

3. Kitchen Share

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Kitchen Share

Like a library, but for kitchen appliances, Kitchen Share has just opened up a branch in my neighborhood. I love this idea! My kitchen is already so full with my mixer, food processor, and blender, but there are so many things I want to try. I simply don’t have room for all the appliances – and let’s be honest, how often would I actually use a dehydrator or bread machine? This seems like the perfect opportunity to try out some recipes that require appliances that I don’t have. And it’s free, after your one-time donation when you sign up for a membership.

4. Fall is on it’s way…

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Ready for fall: Miso + Molasses Squash and Tofu, anyone?

School has started for kiddos, and today is rainy and gray in Portland. It’s hard when the grocery store is still full of tomatoes and stone fruits, but I am itching to get my hands on some squash and start making those hearty fall recipes.

5. Oysters

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Our platter of oysters at Elliott’s!

I don’t know if I told you about my recent revelation: I like oysters. It’s strange, I was talking with an old friend a week or two ago about what makes you a “real person,” aka a grown up. I was very nervous to go to Elliott’s Oyster House for happy hour with our friends Dylan and Caitlyn while in Seattle. See, they really like oysters, and I’d never had a raw one, and only recently had one that wasn’t breaded and fried. I didn’t want to embarrass myself. But holy smokes, they were so delicate and refreshing, they tasted perfectly fishy and like the ocean. I’m glad I stuck with my “I’ll try anything once” rule this time around.

Friday Finds 8:30:13 (a day late)

Friday Finds have gone on a little break as I’ve been adjusting to a new home and a new schedule. But we’re back! And hopefully will be more regular from here on out. Here’s what I’ve found this week (and the two weeks before that).

1. Popsicle Week on Smitten Kitchen

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Popsicle week on Smitten Kitchen!

It’s popsicle week over on Smitten Kitchen, and these treats are not only perfect for the hot weather (not that we’ve been having too much of that in Portland), but look delicious enough to eat year round. Flavors include Pink Lemonade, Butterscotch Pudding, and Key Lime Pie.

2. Tomato Tatin

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Tomato Tatin by Whip + Click on Design*Sponge

This Tomato Tatin recipe looks killer good and pretty dang easy. I’ve been craving tomatoes left and right, so this seems like a perfect dish to make to satisfy my tomato-tooth. It also led me to my next discovery…

3. Whip + Click

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Whip + Click, a duo creating beautiful foodie work.

This week’s discovery of Whip + Click, a pastry chef/photographer duo has me head over heels. With truly beautiful food photos and awesome recipes (roasted peaches with honey and rosemary as summer winds down, or maybe sweet potato handpies for the fall table), this is some really inspiring work.

4. Guacamole Saver

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
An amazing guacamole saving tip!

This tip for saving guacamole is about to change lives. For real. I’m not even kidding.

5. Cocktails

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Bufala Negra from There Will Be Bourbon

Why don’t I make more of them? They are so fun and easy and you can try so many new flavor combinations. I’ll tell you why. Liquor is expensive. But if I did have all the money and liquor I wanted, you can bet I’d head over to There Will Be Bourbon to make me one of these Bufala Negras.

6. Cheese and fruit crostini

Friday Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Grape and Ricotta Crostini from A Cozy Kitchen

I have been seeing these kinds of recipes all over the place: roasted grape and ricotta crostini, roasted apricot and goat cheese crostini, fromage blanc and roasted ANY KIND OF FRUIT crostini. These are so incredibly easy and make a good impression on guests.