Tag: Blog

Weekend Finds 3:16:14: Interesting Reads

In this weekend finds, I want to share some interesting articles that I’ve come across in the past couple of weeks. If you’re interesting in reading more articles about food, food writing, etc. I recommend using resources like Bloglovin’, Klout, and also following David Lebovitz on Facebook (seriously, the guy posts some very interesting articles).

1. Culinary Medical School

Culinary Medical Program on Weekend Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Culinary Medical Program at Tulane University

I remember when I wanted to be a doctor. And now, I want to be a professional foodie. There have been more and more experts connecting the diet and health, and for obvious reasons. But mostly those people seem to be nutritionists or homeopathic doctors. I think it’s great that this culinary medical program at Tulane University in New Orleans is connecting the health world and the food world, and incorporating nutrition and cooking into the medicual curriculum.

2. Most Useful Cookbooks

Best Useful Cookbooks on Weekend Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Best useful Cookbooks

I like this article from HuffPost Taste about the best, most useful cookbooks to have on your shelf. Of course The Joy of Cooking and Mastering the Art of French Cooking make the list. But so does the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. Also, I REALLY want the Flavor Thesaurus. But if you’re looking for some great basics to start building your kitchen literature collection, check out this article.

3. Ferran Adrià on his new projects

Ferran Adrià and Bullipedia on Weekend Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Ferran Adrià and Bullipedia

This article summarizing a stop on Adrià’s book tour is pretty interesting. His answers to questions about defining cooking and restaurants and creativity are fascinating, but the part the piqued my interest the most? His upcoming culinary museum, the lab inside, and the culinary wiki, Bullipedia, that he’s creating. That is going to be the coolest resource ever. (Also, as I was telling Jonah about this article, the guy next to us at the coffee shop where we’re working, looked up and asked us if we’d seen the documentary about El Bulli. I have, but if you haven’t, you should. It’s on Netflix Instant Watch.)

4. Food Blaggers

Food Blaggers on Weekend Finds // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Food Blaggers

This article about the role food bloggers play in the restaurant review world is very interesting (I found it via David Lebovitz’s Facebook page). The thought of calling a restaurant and asking for a free meal in exchange for a positive review is mind boggling to me. That being said, I have received free meals and such, and there has never been and explicit request for a review in exchange. I always mention that I was invited, so on and so forth. But the line is certainly a little blurry. It’s something I’m working on clarifying for myself. Anyway, I find it all very interesting. Do you have any thoughts on the blogger/restaurant/PR company relationship?

Weekend Finds 3:1:14: Kitchen Art

I’ve made a decision. Sometimes, when my weekend finds have a theme, I will title them as such. Isn’t that sensible? I thought, hm, maybe I could collect all the cool kitchen art and share it with readers all at once, so that if they’re looking for kitchen art, they can look at one post? Or perhaps if they’re looking for some fun wooden spoons, all of those are in one place? Or perhaps, if there are some kitchens I’m lusting to cook in, I can show them all to you at once? I’m not saying all of my weekend finds from here on out will have a theme. But when the time is right, they might. I hope that’s alright. This week, as I mentioned, I’m obsessed with kitchen art.

1. Radicchio Vegetable Print

Kitchen Art: Radicchio Print // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Radicchio print, found on Design*Sponge.

I really like a lot of prints from this shop on Etsy, but I love love love this radicchio print. I discovered it via Design*Sponge, and keep plotting a way I can have it, and where I can put it.

2. Sugarboo Postcards

Kitchen Art: Radish postcard from Sugarboo // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
“You’re so rad(ish)”

I really like postcards, and I have always thought it would be fun to get postcards separately framed and hang a grid of them on a large-ish wall. I think some of these food and friend related ones from Sugarboo are so sweet. My favorite has to be the radish postcard pictured above.

3. Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off

Kitchen Art: "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" print // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Tomato, tom-ah-to, potato, pot-ah-to…

Yes, that’s the name of this print from Society 6. Yes, I’ve been pining after this print for years. It combines old music (remember how much I’ve mentioned my Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong Pandora station?) and food, and I just think it’s so sweet. I would hang it anywhere, but feel it would be perfect in a kitchen.

4. Illustrated Recipes from Felicita Sala

Kitchen Art: Illustrated Recipe for Banana Bread // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
These illustrated recipes are so sweet.

I think these illustrated recipes are so sweet. I’d love to have one on my wall – I love the mixture of text and drawings. The best part: it’s functional too!

5. Cutting Boards

Kitchen Art: Cutting boards! // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
There are almost too many options when it comes to beautiful cutting boards.

Not all your kitchen art has to bed 2D. Speaking of functional decorations, there are some beautiful cutting boards out there – some vintage like this one, some modern like these. Maybe these state shaped cutting boards are more your style. Or these chevron ones. Just make sure, if you’re going to try something heavy, that you secure it safely to the wall with a nice sturdy hook or nail. Most of these have holes or straps, or I’m sure they could be easily added.

6. Prints from your favorite blog/cookbook

Kitchen Art: Smitten Kitchen Photographs // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
I love this pomegranate photo from Smitten Kitchen.

You might be surprised to find that some of your favorite blogs might be selling their prints, or if they aren’t already, they might be willing to if you contact them and ask them reeeeaaaally nicely. For example, love Smitten Kitchen’s photos? You can find some for sale here.

Weekend Finds 2:23:14

1. DIY Dashi Broth

DIY Dashi broth on Food52 // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
DIY Dashi broth on Food52

I feel like lately, I’ve made a few things that have called for dashi. It can be hard to find, so I was super excited when Food52 posted a recipe, and now I can make my own!

2. Wine in Cans

Underwood Wine in a can // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Underwood Wine in a can

Would you drink wine from a can? I certainly would… Don’t judge me for that. Plus, this Underwood Pinot Noir is one of my favorite budget wines of the moment. Plus it’s made in Oregon. Oregon Pinot Noir – does it get better than that? Yes. In a can.

3. Fire Cider

Fire Cider from The Kitchn // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Fire Cider from The Kitchn

This fire cider recipe is very intriguing to me… I don’t always feel like folk remedies work, but this one seems like it has EVERYTHING you’re usually told to eat when you’re sick or getting sick. Also, the idea of adding a couple dashes to a cocktail seems pretty interesting too. I’ll be keeping this around for cold season.

Text in red!

PieBox! Featured on Food52 // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
PieBox! Featured on Food52

I often have the problem (no, seriously) of transporting my baked goods – finding a tupperware that things fit in or a box or holding a hot pan/dish on my lap in the car. I am asking for a PieBox for my next birthday for SURE. (Also, there’s a CakeBox, if that’s more your style.)

5. Beeroness Blog

Beeroness Blog // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Beeroness Blog

Caitlyn recently told me about Beeroness, a blog that focuses on cooking and baking with beer. I love the flavor of most beers, and am really interested to try out some of her recipes.

Weekend Finds 12:15:13

It’s time for weekend finds!

1. Chefs Feed

Chefs Feed // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
The Chefs Feed homepage

My latest neat food-oriented website discovery is Chefs Feed, a website where you can look up chef recommended dishes, restaurants, and chefs in your town. Who better to trust than these experts themselves?

2. Winter Fruit Whiskey Mash

Winter Fruit Whiskey Mash from A Beautiful Mess // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Winter Fruit Whiskey Mash from A Beautiful Mess

This winter drink looks delicious. If I were in a rush, I would probably skip the persimmon simple syrup (though I think I need to give persimmons another try), and head straight for the muddled orange and pomegranate.

3. Reclaiming Provincial

Reclaiming Provincial // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Reclaiming Provincial

I found this blog through another blog (now I can’t remember which one), and I’m pretty happy about the discovery. With recipes like smoky cardamom ginger-molasses cookies and crispy sweet potato roast with herbed coconut creme fraiche, they seem unique, interesting, and the photos are beautiful.

4. Easy roasted chicken

Chicken Legs inspired by FoodSwoon // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Chicken Legs inspired by FoodSwoon

The other day Jonah and I bought some whole bone in, skin on chicken legs, and it was my job to figure out what to do with them. After some research, I based my creation on this recipe from FoodSwoon, except instead of doing either garlic or herbs or butter, I did all three. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Peel a few garlic cloves and cut each one into a few pieces, and pick a  few herb leaves (I used sage). Peel back the chicken skin and place the sage and garlic underneath (I did probably 3 cloves and 6 sage leaves per leg), then tightly and carefully re-wrap the skin. Rub each leg with half a teaspoon of butter, and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 45-55 minutes, until chicken is cooked through. (Also, FoodSwoon looks like it will quickly become a recipe resource for me.)

5. Mulled Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mulled Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from London Bakes // Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Mulled Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from London Bakes

I went out for drinks and a white elephant gift exchange with some former co-workers the other night, and the place we went had some mulled wine, which I promptly ordered. When they asked what I got, and I said “mulled wine!” with all the enthusiasm that one ought to have when you say that phrase, all I received in return were blank stares. THEY HAD NEVER HEARD OF MULLED WINE. I was sad for them. We’ve made mulled wine and cider a couple times this year, and I can’t get over how much I love mulling spices in anything. So this recipe for chocolate chip cookies with mulled brown butter from London Bakes seems pretty decadent and incredibly perfect. I love the idea of using orange chocolate for the chips as well, just to tie everything together. (Also, the inspiration recipe from Top with Cinnamon also sounds wonderful.)