Tag: Grilled chicken

Finding a Home in Chiang Mai: Thailand #2

Eating in Chiang Mai, Thailand | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

Eating in Chiang Mai, Thailand | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Eating in Thailand | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

We have been in Thailand for roughly 3 weeks, and this morning as we rode the moped through the little streets of the Old Town in Chiang Mai I was thinking that life was almost starting to feel a little bit normal. Or maybe not normal, but like a life I could get used to. We eat breakfast in our room or downstairs at our hotel, we hop on the bike and go somewhere to work, we grab lunch nearby somewhere, work some more, go home and rest a bit, find dinner, and hang out with friends.

Now don’t let me fool you, the past few days have been far from normal. They have rather been a whirlwind of looking at apartments, finding decent internet, and lots of sweating. But yesterday we signed a rental agreement, and today we purchased a month-long membership at a co-working space, so I can see the comforts of a routine forming.

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Weekend Finds 6:8:14

Happy weekend! I hope it’s as beautiful wherever you are as it is here in Oregon. Enjoy these weekend finds!

1. Using Strawberry Tops

Use your strawberry tops // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Strawberry infused water sounds perfect on a hot day.

I always feel bad tossing overripe strawberries or strawberry tops. Sometimes I toss them in smoothies, but this strawberry water seems like a perfectly refreshing idea to have in my back pocket this summer.

2. Homemade Teriyaki Sauce

Homemade Teriyaki Sauce // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Look at that teriyaki glaze on that chicken.

I’m into teriyaki sauce, especially in the summer on top of some grilled salmon or grilled chicken or other grilled things. I’d love to try making it myself using this recipe from A Cozy Kitchen. 

3. Camping Trip Recipes

Camping Recipes // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Charred corn with avocado and lime? I’ll eat that while camping.

We’re planning a few camping trips this summer, and I have a feeling some of these recipes might come in handy. I’m especially interested in the bulgogi jerky, the charred corn and avocado salad, and the roasted potatoes with za’atar.

4.  Sangria Time

The best wine for your sangria // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Now you know what wine to pick for you sangria.

I often find myself wondering what wines are best for what. I’ve never made Sangria, but I sure do love drinking it. This article over at the Kitchn can help you figure out which wine is best in your Sangria this summer. (And here’s a recipe to help you make it, too.)

5. Food Rules Print

Food Print // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust
Food: Don’t waste it!

I love love love this print. I’ve seen it a few places, and it just doesn’t get old. I think it’s perfect for a kitchen with some vintage touches.

Weekend Finds 4:20:14

I know it’s not technically the weekend anymore, but this weekend was busy and I got distracted… So I’m giving you weekend finds on Monday. So maybe you can still pretend it’s the weekend.

1. Asian flavors

Sesame Noodle Salad from Love & Lemons // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
I love all of the colors in this noodle salad from Love and Lemons.

I thought what would happen is that I’d come back from Vietnam and be a little tired of Asian flavors for a while. Turns out the opposite is true. All I want is Asian food, preferably Vietnamese, but Japanese and maybe even Thai will also do. (I leave out Chinese food because DAMN is it hard to find good Chinese food in Portland. Don’t even get me started.) So this noodle salad recipe will be making an appearance soon, as will, hopefully, the Bun Cha that we learned to make in Hanoi.

2. Soy and Garlic Marinated Pork

Marinated Grilled Pork // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Our grilled pork looked even better than this. I swear.

Yesterday, the weather was decent enough that we got too excited and grilled a whole meal. There was corn and Japanese eggplant, and there was also this marinated pork. I wish I could tell you what was so magical about it (maybe it had something to do with the fact that Jonah brushed the meat with the marinade every time he flipped it), but I’m not totally sure. Either way, you should fire up your grill and make it sooner rather than later.

3. Broccoli Rabe Crostini

Broccoli Rabe Crostini from Honestly YUM // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Crostini topped with burrata, prosciutto, and broccoli rabe.

In another edition of stuff I ate this week: I got excited and bought broccoli rabe (raab) at the market last week, and when I found this recipe, I knew this is what I’d be using it for. Our grocery store didn’t have burrata, so we used good old mozzarella, and it was awesome.

4. Cardamom Short Bread

The Sugar Cube (photo from Portland Monthly) // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
I couldn’t find a picture of the actual cardamom shortbread, but here is a picture of the pastry case at Sugar Cube, just to tickle your tastebuds. Also, mastermind Kir Jensen on the right. (credit: Portland Monthly)

Easter was a thing this weekend, and while I didn’t really celebrate (unless band practice counts), my roommate Carmelle had her family in town, and made a sampling of beautiful desserts, including this cardamom short bread from the Sugar Cube cookbook. Now, you know I love the Sugar Cube – in face I may have a mild addiction – but even if I hadn’t already fallen in love with Kir Jensen, this short bread would’ve done it to me. It was light and flaky and beautifully flavored. Yum.

5. Honey Barbecued Chicken

Honey Barbecued Chicken from Use Real Butter // Weekend Finds on Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
I love how many spices and flavors there are in this honey barbecued chicken recipe from Use Real Butter.

Apparently this week all I can think about is what I want to eat, or have eaten that I want to eat again. Since firing up the grill this past weekend, I’m on the lookout for delicious BBQ meals. This honey barbecued chicken looks pretttty flavorful and tasty, what with 24 hours marinating in that rub and then adding a glaze on top.