This weekend’s finds (and many of my finds lately) seem to be about learning. What’s the best way to load the dishwasher? Where can I take an online class about sauces? What about the best caesar salad? I’m finding lately that instead of thinking my ways (though tried and true) are best, I am more open to trying others’ recommendations.
1. Dishwasher loading

This find is mostly dedicated to my mother, who my sisters and I always made fun of for being less than stellar at loading the dishwasher. But there’s always more to learn. For example, who knew to stagger your large and small plates? The rest of Chow’s YouTube channel is filled with videos of tips, etc.
2. Craftsy

Online classes are always kind of a gamble. You never know if it’s going to be worth what you’re paying for it. But the classes on Craftsy look pretty nice. You get downloadable recipes, and you can come back to revisit the material anytime.
3. A Fancy-Ass Caesar Salad

I always judge a restaurant by their caesar salad (let me just say, I really like the caesar-esque salad at my new place of work). And I always wish I made caesar salad more often myself, but I can never quite get that fancy feel. A Cozy Kitchen’s new post teaches how to make your own dressing, croutons, etc. to make the perfect salad.
4. Color Pop Cutting Boards

Apparently I’m on a cutting board kick lately. Last week it was pyrography, this week it’s color pop. I think it’s just because I love the idea of personalizing your belongings, making your kitchen (and your home, and your life) completely unique and 100% yours. This idea from A Beautiful Mess is a cute way to add color and tie in colors from your kitchen/home.
5. Chomp

Chomp is a new little food journal. Each issue (this is just the first one) will feature interviews with and recipes by 3 Portland chefs, plus a game of 20 questions. The first issue features Nong Poonsukwattana, Pascal Sauton, and John Gorham.