Tag: Smitten Kitchen

Peanut-Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies

Peanut-Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Peanut-Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Peanut-Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Peanut-Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

To say I have been feeling uninspired would be an understatement. Ever since our fridge stopped working 2 months ago (it was finally replaced. That’s correct, we were without a working refrigerator for almost 2 months) I have just not been itching to be in the kitchen like usual. I think of a recipe and start to research, and I feel like I see it in twenty places and it doesn’t seem worth me developing it myself. When I do think of a recipe that I can’t seem to find, I can never quite get myself to actually make it. Other things intrude into my kitchen time. I decide I would rather paint or read or nap.

So I decided to wade back in with someone else’s cookies. Deb Perelman’s cookies, to be exact. I feel like since she started doing press for her most recent cookbook, Smitten Kitchen Every Day, she has been on fire. There was a time when I would go to Smitten Kitchen and nothing would quite catch my eye, but these days? These days I feel like everything she posts is just for me. I kid you not, a couple of weeks ago I googled “Korean short ribs instant pot” and the next day – THE NEXT DAY – she posted exactly. what. I. was. looking. for. It was bizarre, I felt like she was a god that had heard my prayers!

Her siren voice was calling and I decided to answer in the form of these peanut butter filled chocolate cookies. I agree, it’s a weird thing when a blogger posts another blogger’s recipe. But I needed to get back in the kitchen, and these were the ticket. I had a sunny afternoon alone in my house, so I turned on my favorite baking Pandora station and enjoyed myself for the first time in a while. Sometimes all it takes are some really good cookies, you know?

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Weekend Finds 5:26:17

Spring Onions | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

De Garde Brewing | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Cocktails at Rue | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
  • We went here for a date last week and it was lovely. Creative, northwest-y small plates and wonderful cocktails and great service.
  • Obsessed with this new cookbook from Joshua McFadden, and am planning on cooking my way through it for the rest of the year.
  • We made this piri piri chicken last week and it was a little taste of Portugal.
  • The internet is a funny, great place. A friend send me a picture of a cake in progress, and I immediately had to go learn more. A couple of Instagram accounts later, I’ve discovered this lovely blog. Scroll down for the stop motion video.
  • That website let me to another beautiful website. So many food blogs, so little time.
  • After months in the making and thanks to beer-obsessed friend Simon, we finally stopped at De Garde Brewing on our way to the coast yesterday. You should stop too if you’re ever in the area.
  • With all that rhubarb I bought, I made these. They are so tangy and good and not a baked good which is a nice break during rhubarb season.

Continue reading “Weekend Finds 5:26:17”

Weekend Finds 4:30:17

Weekend Finds 4:30:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 4:30:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 4:30:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 4:30:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

The past couple weeks have been more moving in, nesting, organizing drawers and building bookcases. That is, however, if you don’t count the jaunt down to the Bay area a couple weeks ago to visit my dad and stepmom, who were living there temporarily. We ate well (of course): highlights included State Bird Provisions and the Tartine Manufactory, both of which are as dreamy as you’d imagine them to be. Here are some more flavorful tidbits I’ve been digging lately:

Continue reading “Weekend Finds 4:30:17”

Weekend Finds 3:19:17

Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
  • It’s Portland Dining Month and WHOA are there a lot of good options. I hit up Urdaneta last night and it was DELICIOUS. I’ll definitely be returning.
  • Spring is starting to creep up, and it is getting me in the mood for a crunchy, refreshing bowl of vegetables. This is my favorite right now.
  • Brooke is back and I couldn’t be happier. I am loving following her adventures as she launches into her boat life, and I can’t wait to read more.
  • I just made this baked pasta from Smitten Kitchen to take to a friend with a new baby (because new babies mean no sleep means how do you even have the energy to feed yourself), and now I would like to make it for myself all the time please.
  • Now that I’m back, I’m hitting up all my favorite places and all the new places that have opened since we’ve been gone. Wares falls into both of those categories, and we went for brunch this morning. I was not mad about it. (GET THE FRIED KALE.)
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Weekend Finds 3:19:17 | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler