Tag: Silver Antique Trays

Friday Finds 6:7:13

I’ve decided to start a weekly Friday post of things I’ve found during the week that I want to share with you. Whether it’s a recipe I want to try, a cool kitchen accessory, or a hosting idea, I’ll gather them all here in Friday Finds. This week’s roundup:

1. Vintage Trays

Silver Trays // Friday Finds from Serious Crust

I love this wall decoration using vintage serving trays from poppytalk.com. And trays like these are easy to find on Etsy (like these and this). And hey, they can even be taken off the wall, polished up, and used for dinner.

2. Ned Ludd

Ned Ludd: Friday Finds by Serious Crust

Jonah and I ate at Ned Ludd for our anniversary. Delicious, local, simple food and a very playful space. And the staff was very friendly.

3. Rhubarb Mojitos

Rhubarb Mojitos: Friday Finds by Serious Crust

I made these rhubarb mojitos last week when my little sister was in town, and I am working on making another, slightly different batch. It’s a nice way to enjoy rhubarb season without eating baked goods all the time.

4. The Family Meal

The Family Meal: Friday Finds by Serious Crust

I have been wanting this book forever, and after showing it to Jonah at a store this weekend, we ordered it immediately. I cannot wait to cook out of it.

5. Rhubarb Tart

Rhubarb Tart: Friday Finds by Serious Crust

This rhubarb tart is so beautiful, and while the recipe is in Spanish and my web browser can only do so well at translating, I get the general idea. I may just have to make my own version of it sometime soon.