The past couple weeks have been more moving in, nesting, organizing drawers and building bookcases. That is, however, if you don’t count the jaunt down to the Bay area a couple weeks ago to visit my dad and stepmom, who were living there temporarily. We ate well (of course): highlights included State Bird Provisions and the Tartine Manufactory, both of which are as dreamy as you’d imagine them to be. Here are some more flavorful tidbits I’ve been digging lately:
- I’d like to drink all of the spring cocktails that come in bright colors and are flavored with fruit and vegetables.
- Deb of Smitten Kitchen has assembled all of the most popular and favorite recipes from her site in one convenient place.
- This article about how hippie food has become mainstream.
- These fried chickpeas are my new favorite snack, and I would like to be eating them all of the time. In fact, I’m making a batch this afternoon.
- I often find a lot of recipes on Pinterest to be a little… I dunno… much? But I made this hoisin garlic tofu last week with some adjustments, and used the extra marinade to stir fry a bunch of vegetables and it made a fantastic dinner. (I would cut the sugar completely, add so
me sriracha too, plus a little rice vinegar or lime juice.) - I edited an interesting podcast for a client last week where the host interviewed Eric Wolfinger, a well known food photographer who shot Tartine Bread, Prune, and more.
- It is rhubarb season and I have eaten it a handful of times, so I feel like I’m doing well. But I’m having an old professor who LOVES rhubarb over to dinner on Friday and my plan is to stun her with this rhubarb rye upside-down cake from Yossy Arefi’s Sweeter Off the Vine (which btw I would recommend owning).