Tag: blintzes

Spring Pea Blintzes

Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler
Spring Pea Blintzes | Serious Crust by Annie Fassler

I’m going to be honest folks. It feels a bit challenging to write about summer and my garden and produce when the world is falling apart. But here we are. I know, pea blintzes can feel trivial – they do to me too. I can’t spend 100% of my waking hours reading articles and calling representatives and being depressed about the state of the world, so I am doing my best to act like everything is normal and it’s all going to be fine. Despite the fact that at the moment it’s looking pretty bleak.

Now that we’ve got that depressing shit out of the way, I guess let’s talk about my garden. That sounds fun doesn’t it?

I feel like I’m in produce overdrive! Between our expanded beds and the CSA we have this year I’m having trouble keeping up with the lettuces, greens, peas, and radishes. I’ve been eating salads for every meal and adding sautéed collards or bok choy to everything I make. When shelling peas started coming in from my garden, these blintzes popped into my mind and I wasn’t able to get them out. I don’t recall eating that many blintzes as a child, but I know it happened, and that they were a treat filled with sweet cheese and topped with fruit. But every since eating blintzes stuffed with mushrooms at Malka’s chanukah pop up, I feel like the world of savory blintzes is a whole new world.

My little garden didn’t produce enough shelling peas for a full batch, so I supplemented with some frozen ones, steamed them with some lemon juice, layered them on top a creamy spiced cheese filling, and wrapped it all up in pillowy crepe-like pancakes. The result was just this side of savory, delicate and lovely, a dish that could be eaten at brunch or for a light dinner.

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